Easy access to Maine Senate and House voting histories for undecided voters

November 19, 2022 — To help Maine voters make their final decisions for the Maine Senate and House of Representatives elections next week, we developed a new website (https://dash.democracygps.org) that allows visitors to easily explore and compare the voting histories of Maine politicians. For example, visitors can compare the voting histories of Nicole Grohoski and Brian Langley, who were both running for the Maine Senate District 7 seat. Grohoski has voted mostly (94% of the time) with her fellow Democrats, but Langley’s voting record is more liberal than many other Maine Republicans, having voted with the Democratic majority 50% of the time.

Polarization and party agreement for the 2022 candidates for Maine's Senate District 7 election

The website provides a view of all recent Maine Senate and House members that shows how often each politician voted with the Democratic or Republican majorities and a measure of how polarized their voting records were (negative for more agreement with the Democrats and positive for more agreement with the Republicans).

Comparison of candidates Grohoski and Langley to other recently elected Maine politicians

The website also lists some of the most independent or bipartisan votes for each politician, allows visitors to easily search the complete voting histories of current and recent Maine state senators and representatives since 2017, and shows which bills were most polarizing.

Author: Chris Krenn

Chris Krenn is a computational physicist and metallurgist working near San Francisco since 2001 and has been exploring electronic democracy systems since 2013. His goal is to help develop a non-partisan electronic democracy system that combines regular polling, voter education, and voter-chosen delegates to hold our representatives more accountable and to make our government more responsive. He has a B.S. from Yale and a Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley.

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